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parents children scarves music lessons

0-3 YRS

Interactive, music and instrumental play with families to nurture whole development


Every Wednesday and Friday morning during term time

Joyful, shared instrumental play, moving, dancing and listening to real instruments.
Topics are captured with colourful puppets, ribbons, scarves and beautiful resources for all.



Babies are encouraged to explore at their own pace. Through musical play they develop early physical and vocal ability. Our gentle, multi-sensory template includes interactive songs, rhymes and instrumental exploration, dancing and listening. 


Babies are intrinsically musical! Gentle melodies with captivating rhythms, repeated phrase patterns, and emotionally playful lyrics encourages baby and adult to be musically playful. They enjoy moving, listening, and imaginative adventures with dancing, visuals and musical games. Spontaneous sound play nurtures baby babble (vocalising), moving and subsequent early development.


Our ethos is to encapsulate creative adventures to enhance early development and shared musical play, and t nurturing early communication. Regular music helps to empower babies as independent, creative beings with a great sense of curiosity about all things new.


Other wonderfully musical adventures include our musical story-tales and concerts.


Regular musical play helps adults to understand the significance of music in their children's early lives whilst providing an insight into their child's characteristics. Our classes are a skilful precursor to musical stories and later instrumental learning.  For music classes at home or pre-nursery setting, get in touch.

Musical Play at Music House for Children
baby and mother, music play
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